Q & A Teatime Etiquette
Is teatime etiquette the same for kids as adults? Teatime etiquette is the same for both kids and adults. Etiquette is polite behavior in...

Gift Wrapping Station
A beautiful and uniquely wrapped gift is a way to ensure the receiver of your gift feels special when opening the present. I love finding...

Delightful Etiquette Tips for Hosting Thanksgiving
As we start the week of Thanksgiving, I am reminded of how much I have to be thankful for. I also am excited to have my family over to...

Colorful Salads Are Healthy & Fun
When food looks pretty it tastes better; I fully believe this. The more colors in my salad the healthier it seems to be, and the more...

Powerful Simple Movement, Please
From as young as I can remember my mother taught us the simple yet powerful word please. Please, a polite way of asking, a word that...

#1 Item to pack for your trip: Kindness
Beginning my day of work on the airplane I check emergency equipment, prepare the carts for service in flight and get ready to welcome...